Career & Work Start Your Side Project Series: Rule #2 – Don’t Make Something New This post on Idea Generation is the 2nd post in a series of no-nonsense tips for starting a revenue-generating side project from scratch. Subscribe to receive more of these. Years ago a group of friends and I interviewed a seasoned entrepreneur. He regaled us with war stories of launching startup af Written by Matthew Trinetti July 10, 2020July 14, 2020
Career & Work Start Your Side Project Series: Rule #1 – Don’t Start From Scratch I know. There’s LOTS of talk about starting a side projects these days. Bec Evans’s How to Have a Happy Hustle. Chris Guillebeau has banged the side hustle drum for years with books like The $100 Startup and The Money Tree, and his daily Side Hustle School podcast. Organizations like Escape Written by Matthew Trinetti June 19, 2020July 14, 2020
Building a Life Humanity’s Vision Quest Moment We might as well be living through the next verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire“. According to, Billy Joel’s conversation with a friend in 1989 sparked the song: “ friend just turned 21 and was complaining about how crazy it was to be living in his era, theref Written by Matthew Trinetti June 12, 2020June 15, 2020
Building a Life “If I Sit Silently, I Have Sinned.” Artwork by Nikkolas Smith “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was going to start this week’s post with a short comment about the George Floyd killing and ensuing protests. I was going to say how tone deaf i Written by Matthew Trinetti May 31, 2020June 2, 2020
Career & Work Two Superpowers for Uncertainty: Serving & Learning Knowing the Way is Overrated. When the pandemic hit its stride in the UK, I watched as most of my facilitation work evaporated overnight, and with it, my primary income stream. I transitioned what work I could online and surrendered as the rest was indefinitely postponed or cancelled. After I stoppe Written by Matthew Trinetti May 29, 2020June 5, 2020
Career & Work Publishing & Media Maybe You’re The Niche “Anyone can sound like Beethoven or Joe Pan or them other guys you said. But your music, what you do? Only you can do that.” –Tony Lipp, The Green Book During a blogging workshop I ran at the London Writers’ Salon, one writer named Ricardo asked: “I hear adv Written by Matthew Trinetti May 22, 2020May 25, 2020
Career & Work My Style of Procrastination Every writer procrastinates in their own way. Some tidy. Some research. Some booze. Some employ themselves to write for other people. My style of procrastination? Helping other writers write. In 2019, one of my goals was to start a revenue-generating, soul-enriching side project. My editor friend Pa Written by Matthew Trinetti May 15, 2020May 18, 2020
Building a Life Two Weeks in Identity Purgatory The two weeks bookending the close of one year and the beginning of the next are a special kind of purgatory for me. Not in the hellfire/damnation sense, but in its Latin origin: purifying. Written by Matthew Trinetti January 19, 2020January 27, 2020
Career & Work Lessons from My Quest to Become a World-Class Facilitator When setting my intentions for 2019, I wrote down “Become a World-Class Facilitator.” I didn’t really know what that meant, but I had a clue. I was enjoying developing the skill of facilitation, found the work deeply meaningful and fun, and realized I could make a decent living from it. I want Written by Matthew Trinetti November 11, 2019June 5, 2020
Building a Life Career & Work Work as Gift-Giving It’s crazy to think that this blog has been running on and off for 7 years. As I’ve grown and evolved, I’ve sometimes struggled to identify What is this blog about? and For whom do I write? At times this confusion has kept me from writing and sharing my work. Written by Matthew Trinetti September 6, 2019September 9, 2019