“The days are long, but the years are short.”
– Gretchen Rubin, from The Happiness Project

Let’s Hang Out.

Six months ago yesterday, I boarded an Icelandair flight on a one-way ticket to Iceland. Tomorrow morning, I head to London to begin my march back to the U S of A.

It’s hard to believe how fast these months have passed. This trip has impacted me in more ways than I could have imagined, so it’s sad to know it’s coming to an end. But the point of this email isn’t to get all teary-eyed. Instead, I want to celebrate the journey and my return home!

On my way back to Cleveland, Ohio for Christmas, I’m making a few stops to visit friends. If you’re in London, New York, or Chicago and want to get together to talk travel, life, love, and everything in between, let me know. Here are my plans:

London: Tuesday, December 4. 7-9pm @ Hub Westminster. I’ll be with my friends at Escape The City for their event “How to Find Work You Love in 2013.” If you can’t join this and still want to meet up, email me and let me know. I’m also free Wednesday until 6:30pm.

NYC: Friday, December 14. Time and location TBD (likely somewhere in Manhattan). My good friend Megan offered to host a “Welcome Home Trinetti!” party. RSVP on Facebook.

Chicago: Friday, December 21. 10pm @ Vaughn’s Pub in Lakeview. Earlier that night, I’ll be with a small group of close friends for a Christmas party at Vaughn’s Pub. But if you want to swing by and say ‘Hi’ later, around 10pm, I’d love to see you. Just a warning: I’ll be under the influence of lots of delicious Great Lakes Christmas Ale.

I’ll be in Chicago from the 16th-22nd, so if you want to meet up another time just shoot me an email.


And…Announcing the Winners of the GiveLiveExplore Comfort Challenge!

Thanks to everyone who participated and voted in the challenge. It was really close across the board. But the people have spoken and our 3 winners are:

Thanks to everyone who participated and voted in the challenge. It was really close across the board. But the people have spoken and our 3 winners are:

  • Ashley B.: Telling cheesy jokes to strangers in SF/Berkeley and filming it.
  • Christa K.: Filming strangers in Warsaw, Poland; Smiling and saying ‘Hi’ to all passing strangers for 1 day; No cell phone for 3 days; AND No speaking during one class period with 20 kindergartners.
  • Bill M.: Interviewing traveling New Yorkers for a ‘documentary’ and filming it.

Congrats Ashley, Christa, and Bill! They each won a copy of Tim Ferriss’s new book, The 4-Hour Chef.

(If you missed their stories of self-induced uncomfortableness, check them out here: .)

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