Today, we’re officially announcing Tales of Iceland to the world. I’m not going to dance around the issue: I want you to read it!

There are 3 [UPDATE: 6] ways you can read the book:
1. Amazon Kindle (ebook)
2. Barnes & Noble Nook (ebook)
3. Paperback via Amazon
[UPDATE] 4. Apple’s iBookstore (ebook)
[UPDATE] 5. [UPDATE] 6. Kobo (ebook)

I’ll be honest, there are some embarrassing stories about me in the book, as should be expected when three single twenty-something friends embark on a foreign adventure. You may be wondering why I would promote such a book. Here’s why: As I continue to write on GiveLiveExplore, I’ve learned to become more open with sharing who I am. If someone wants to judge me, so be it. Life’s too short to spend it paranoid or embarrassed. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

[Side Note: if you’re easily offended by crude language or older than 75, I gently advise against reading the book. It’s a lot of fun, but Grandpa, you probably shouldn’t read it.]

So if you’ve gotten anything out of this blog: insight, inspiration, entertainment, or all of the above, I really appreciate your support in picking up a copy. Plus, 5% of our book profits are donated to the Icelandic environmental non-profit Seeds. Iceland’s nature is one of the things we fell in love with, and we want to do our part in helping preserve it.

Grab some skyr (Icelandic yogurt), kick back, and enjoy the ride!

Click a Logo to Order the E-Book at your Favorite Online Retailer:


Prefer a Physical Book?
Paperback version available via Amazon:

TOI_Thumb(click cover for Paperback)

Coming Soon on Apple’s iBooks & Kobo.

Why isn’t this on Apple yet?
Well, it turns out Apple isn’t amused by a naked butt on the cover of your book. Sooo…we’re temporarily banned from Apple. I say “temporarily” because I have every intention of getting us on Apple — somehow, someway.
[UPDATE: Apple came to their senses! The book is up now.]

Can you help us spread the word? It would mean the world to us. Especially if you know someone who is going to Iceland or has been to Iceland. They will love it.

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Here are some glowing reviews so far (even one from a native Icelander!!): 

If you’ve already read Tales of Iceland, would you please write a review on AmazonEvery positive review helps. Our goal is 10 positive reviews by end of the week. Can you help us get there?

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