Building a Life Career & Work Your Future Self Will Thank You For This “If I were to realize that door A, B, or C all lead to a lot of heartache and pain, but you know, A was what I really want, well, why not just choose A?” –Mike Herrera, founder of MxPx (via Ryan Holiday) Last week we wrapped up another intake of the Career Change Accelerator at Written by Matthew Trinetti July 25, 2018July 25, 2018
Building a Life How Simple and Frugal a Thing is Happiness “I felt once more how simple and frugal a thing is happiness: a glass of wine, a roast chestnut, a wretched little brazier, the sound of the sea. Nothing else.” —Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis There’s a distinct memory I have from a few years ago. I was in a period of transition – Written by Matthew Trinetti June 24, 2018June 25, 2018
Building a Life Rethinking Birthdays Today’s my 34st birthday. I tend to spend birthdays quietly. Sometimes with loved ones. Sometimes in solitude on my own. Usually in a foreign place. Either way, I try not to make a fuss about turning 1 year older. This year is no different – I’m in the Kent countryside in Southeast Eng Written by Matthew Trinetti June 18, 2018June 18, 2018
Building a Life Stop Hiding, Start Shining: A Pep Talk For Showing Up, Standing Up & Expressing Yourself I took a 6-week hiatus from basically everything – writing, social media, email, posting, filming, consuming. Some of you were concerned – thanks for your notes! I’m fine and everything is okay. In life’s transitions, the first step is often disengagement. We unplug from our curr Written by Matthew Trinetti June 1, 2018June 4, 2018
Building a Life Career & Work 4 Lessons From Creating 10 x 1-Minute Videos Over the last two weeks, I’ve created 10 one-minute videos. While a seemingly small, inconsequential project – it’s taught me some significant lessons. Here’s what I’ve learned so far. Written by Matthew Trinetti April 9, 2018April 9, 2018
Book Reviews Building a Life How do we select a path through life? Over the weekend I finished reading a book called On Trails. The author Robert Moor spends 330 pages musing on, as the title implies, trails why we make them, how we blaze them, and what purposes they serve. Early on, Moor spells out the question hes exploring: Why do we, as anima Written by Matthew Trinetti March 20, 2018March 23, 2018
Building a Life Career & Work Dealing With The Inner Critic I don’t know what’s going on inside your heads, but if it’s anything like mine and others I know – it houses a chattering inner critic. A voice that tells me all the ways I could be better. Or how much I could improve. Or reminds me of all the ways I’m not quite enough. On Written by Matthew Trinetti March 12, 2018May 25, 2018
Building a Life Career & Work The Difference Between Career Change and Transformation “I find I’m so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain.” —Red, The Shawshank Redemption Last week, I helped facilitate a career change work Written by Matthew Trinetti February 19, 2018February 19, 2018
Building a Life Today is the first day of your life Photo by Gerome Viavant on Unsplash I woke up once with a funny thought. First off, it wasn’t just me who woke up. It was a flabby, pale, broke version of myself. At least that’s who I saw gazing back at me through the mirror. Written by Matthew Trinetti January 29, 2018January 30, 2018
Building a Life Environmental Consciousness Made Easier “A lot of people feel really helpless when it comes to climate change…What our research is showing is that your personal decisions really can have a big impact.” I try my damnedest to be environmentally conscious in my everyday actions – but honestly, most of the time I don Written by Matthew Trinetti January 21, 2018January 21, 2018