Career & Work This is how you write. Because I’m a human and my mind is an asshole, I forget it every time. This is how you write: Written by Matthew Trinetti March 21, 2016August 3, 2017
Travel Tales My TEDx: Say Yes to Your Adventure For almost five years as a traveling consultant with IBM it was all true. I found myself on high profile and challenging projects for some of the largest corporations in the world. I labored beside bright and driven individuals. I felt a flourishing career brewing. I felt important and I felt Written by Matthew October 5, 2014September 11, 2018
Publishing & Media Travel Tales Videos My TEDx Talk is Live! “When you begin to live your life like an interesting story, it has no other choice than to become one.” One of my long-term goals/dreams was to give a TEDx talk. One day, I thought, after I do some more things, get a few more experiences/ accomplishments/ adventures under my belt, IR Written by Matthew May 8, 2014May 19, 2020
Book Reviews My Favorite 21 Books Read in 2013 (So Far) One of my goals for 2013 is to read 50 books. I’m currently on book #32 (The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life) & #33 (Cloud Atlas), so I’m a little behind pace given we’re already in October. Whether or not I hasten the pace and hit my target, this is still the Written by Matthew October 7, 2013December 21, 2013
Travel Tales “Let the Boogie-Woogie Come Out!” 10 Lessons from a NYC Pop Up School “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” –Thomas Edison Last week I had the privilege of attending the 99U Pop Up School in New York City. Attending this event accomplished exactly what I imagined it would: the speakers inspired me, the topics reinvigorated me in my pursuits, a Written by Matthew September 27, 2013December 21, 2013
Travel Tales A Homemade, Fan Blade, One-Man Submarine Ride ‘Cause when you’re done with this world, You know the next is up to you. — John Mayer, “Walt Grace’s Submarine Test, January 1967″ I’m easily inspired. Especially by songs, movies, and quotes. I joke that I’m probably the worst person to solicit for mo Written by Matthew September 9, 2013September 11, 2013
Book Reviews Travel Tales Which of Your Bodies Are Out of Whack? “Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present Written by Matthew August 22, 2013September 12, 2016
Publishing & Media Travel Tales Everything (I Wish) I Said in London: The First Step is the Toughest One of the most important things I want to stress tonight is that there is a paper-thin difference between you and me right now. The barrier between people who are dreaming of “escaping” their corporate jobs to pursue something more meaningful, and someone like me who’s decided to jump, and is Written by Matthew July 11, 2013August 12, 2013