Career & Work A Posthumous Review of 2015 & Statements I Hope To Be True in 2016 I know, I know––we're already 1 month into the new year. But the 2015–2016 baton pass wouldn't feel complete without a debrief on the past year. I wrote a severely detailed reflection on 2015 for myself, but I've summarized it in 4 big themes for you below: Written by Matthew Trinetti February 5, 2016July 21, 2017
Building a Life Career & Work Why I’ve Sent Hundreds of Postcards to Strangers Around the World From the day I started GiveLiveExplore in June 2012, I decided to send a handwritten postcard to anyone who signed up for my email list. I anticipated sending several handfuls of postcards or so. But as my email list kept growing, so did my postcard writing. Three years later, I’ve kept up wi Written by Matthew Trinetti June 14, 2015August 1, 2015
Building a Life Why I Started A Reflection on the Past 2 Years “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” –Karen Lamb A couple of Mondays ago was a special day. It passed by without much gravity. No fanfare or trumpets announced its arrival; no epic celebration kissed it bon voyage. I did, however, mention it in passing to my parents Written by Matthew June 16, 2014June 24, 2014
Publishing & Media Travel Tales A GiveLiveExplore Review of 2013: What Went Well and What Did Not Earlier this year, I publicly stated a list of goals I wanted to accomplish in 2013. I stole this practice from author, entrepreneur, and a personal hero of mine Chris Guillebeau, who has been exercising this for years. In his Annual Review, he reflects honestly on his year past and makes goals Written by Matthew December 31, 2013January 21, 2014
Book Reviews My Favorite 21 Books Read in 2013 (So Far) One of my goals for 2013 is to read 50 books. I’m currently on book #32 (The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life) & #33 (Cloud Atlas), so I’m a little behind pace given we’re already in October. Whether or not I hasten the pace and hit my target, this is still the Written by Matthew October 7, 2013December 21, 2013
Travel Tales London on July 3: How to Escape and Build a Life Traveling the World I’m thrilled to announce that tomorrow, July 3, I’m speaking at an Escape the City event in London. The talk is titled “How to Escape and Build a Life Traveling the World.” Escape the City is an organization in London whose mantra is “Do Something Different,” and Written by Matthew July 2, 2013August 12, 2013
Travel Tales Why We Travel (Plus: What I’m Working On) “We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate.” – Pico Iyer, British-born essayist and novelist. Greetings from the Gulf! I’m dow Written by Matthew March 1, 2013August 28, 2013
Travel Tales Thoughts on Coming Home (Part 5): The Journey Continues Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves… Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. – Rainer Maria Rilke As I sat down to write Thoughts on Coming Written by Matthew February 17, 2013August 12, 2013
Travel Tales Thoughts on Coming Home (Part 3): These Things Traveling Taught “I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.” – Lillian Smith, American writer This is Part 3 of a 5-part piece called Thoughts on Coming Home. After a long journey like mine, it Written by Matthew January 30, 2013August 12, 2013
Travel Tales Scandinavia feat. Mom, Dad & Rick Steves “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese, Italian poet and novelist. As I write this, I’m sitting on a bus en route to Munich from Prague. To my left: my friend Garrett. To my right: a window with a view to the world. Morning haze. A babbling stream. Tr Written by Matthew September 26, 2012June 12, 2013